The Cast of Characters

I'd like to take a moment to introduce my family - they are my inspiration for making the changes that I am sharing in this space.

First is IronMan (formerly known as Running Man), my husband and partner of 13 years.  We met in college at Virginia Tech and in most ways we complement each other quite well.  After signing up for "just one" Ironman triathlon in 2011, he has completed an handful of them over the course of the past two years and doesn't appear to be done with them just yet.

Our oldest child is Enthusiastic Explorer Boy (E2B), who is nine and our only son.  He is an avid life learner who continually reminds me of how much fun it is to explore and learn about, well, everything.  Whether he's climbing a tree or reading his way through a series of books, he gives it his all.

Next is our oldest daughter, Princess Wonder.  At the magical age of seven, she is vibrant and creative and has a fabulously bohemian sense of style.  When she takes in everything around her she sees magic and wonder and a hidden world of fairies.

Last, but not least, is our youngest daughter, Miss Intrepid.  At the tender age of five, she has a BIG personality in a little body and knows exactly what she wants.  She is a fearless participant in this adventure of life and constantly keeps me on my toes.

Our family in August 2012 on a boat tour of the Resurrection Bay in Alaska.
When I asked IronMan what he thought about the monikers that I would be using for our family on the blog he enthusiastically weighed in and then asked me what my "name" would be.  Brittany, I told him.  Hmmm, a bit boring perhaps, but there it is.

"When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses."  ~Dr. Joyce Brothers

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